
We are proud to serve most key industries; due to our central location and over 30 years in business we have had the opportunity to work with our areas most influential developers, and industry leaders in agricultural, fishing, non-profit organizations, restaurants and food service, healthcare and small businesses. Call the Scholl & Arensdorf, LLP experts at (888)758-5966 to find out how they can help your business grow and succeed.


agriculture and farming

A major part of our business revolves around agriculture and food processing industries. Agriculture and farm accounting requires specific insight of tax and accounting methods for profitable production. We work together with you to keep an eye on the latest industry trends and issues that impact your operational success and growth. With our knowledge and experience, we are able to offer a wide breadth of services to our agricultural clients.

To schedule a free initial consultation call us at 831-758-5966 or click here.


commercial fishing

When you are in the commercial fishing industry you have to change rapidly to survive and thrive under rising competitive and political pressures. Fishing vessel quotas, permit stacking and co-ops are just some of the struggles facing you. We can help you stay afloat by understanding your unique commercial fishing enterprise providing practical and innovative advice.

You will find that Scholl & Arensdorf, LLP is your commercial fishing tax and accounting resource you've been missing. Our team has a long history with marine enterprises and we understand the dynamics that affect commercial fishing, boat building, marine retail sales & service establishments.

To schedule a free initial consultation call us at 831-758-5966 or click here.


restaurant & food service

Restaurants make up the biggest chunk of the food service industry. Whether your business is full-service, fast-service, a family-run operation or a franchise Scholl & Arensdorf, LLP will be able to meet the needs of your establishment.

We have experience with the specific accounting, finance and tax questions related to the food industry and we are always looking ahead to help you make the most effective financial choices. We can help you increase operating efficiency and improve cost containment strategies through developing financial controls, management reporting, and operational reviews.

To schedule a free initial consultation call us at 831-758-5966 or click here.


non-profit organizations

Our non-profit clients have included health care and human services providers, schools, private foundations, trade associations, charitable organizations, churches and other similar groups. Through our extensive experience in providing tax, accounting, and management consulting services, our accountants and consultants understand the unique aspects of the not-for-profit sector.

We have a thorough understanding of the importance of the many factors that determine the success of your organization including: funding from federal and state agencies as well as individual and corporate donations and compliance regulations. These factors can determine how successful your organization will be as well as determine your ability to grow and continue to serve the needs of the community.

To schedule a free initial consultation call us at 831-758-5966 or click here.


small businesses &
family owned Businesses

Family and closely held owner-managed businesses are at the very heart of our firms client family. For 40 years the principals of Scholl & Arensdorf, LLP have guided closely held businesses of all sizes and across a broad spectrum of industries. You and your company will learn the most effective pathways to growth, prosperity and transition to the next generation.

Comprehensive Planning
We recognize that no single factor on its own determines the success, or failure, of a family owned business. We work with you to always consider the intertwining nature of business, family and the unique interpersonal challenges that exist in a family run business.

You will find us available to participate in your regular advisory meetings and to serve as a sounding board for you and your management team. Consulting with you on your plans from a financial, tax, and economic perspective, we help you with short-term needs and assist in establishing and reaching your long-term goals.

We immerse ourselves in all aspects of your business and market to understand your goals and your competitive environment. Using this knowledge, we can serve as your strategists and sounding board to help you make informed decisions.

To schedule a free initial consultation call us at 831-758-5966 or click here.